Friday, May 20, 2005

The Left, the Right and the Bible (3 Letters) - New York Times

Kristof's Bible-thumping liberal op-ed has generated three letters to the editor. I tend to agree with all three; if that's possible.

Link via titusonenine.

Meanwhile, on the other coast, the LA Times is printing letters to the editor on it's piece "Evangelicals are carving niche in the workplace."

These links also come to us via titusonenine.

There's a connection here, isn't there? Kristof argues that liberal Christians should not compartmentalize their faith from the rest of their life, including their political selves and their engagement with conservatives. Meanwhile Evangelicals take their faith to the workplace, and that makes people uncomfortable. Are liberal Christians self censoring because they do not wish to be alienated from colleagues and friends who believe religion should only be done in private?

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